Wedding Music Suggestions:
Processional Marches:
Trumpet Voluntary Henry Purcell
Trumpet Tune in D Major David Johnson
Te Deum Marc Charpentier
Procession Alegre Gary Cornell
Trumpet Tune and March Henry Purcell
Canon in D Johann Pachelbel
Musique Royale Richard Delalande
Rigaudon André Campra
At a Wedding Mass the Penitential Act is omitted. The Glória in excélsis (Glory to God in the highest) is said or sung.
Hymn suggestions:
Let’s Praise The Creator (can be sung to Kremser)
Let’s praise the Creator who gave us each other
In friendship and kinship to celebrate life,
Let’s sing our delight in this man and this woman,
The promise of joy as a husband and wife.
The love that we wish them, the love that we pray for
Is stronger than storms and more gentle than breath,
Endures every trouble, is selfless and faithful,
More precious than life and more lasting than death.
In vows that are honored, in kissing and blessing
May happiness shine like the gold of a ring,
In passionate joy and compassionate caring
May theirs be the gifts that true loving can bring.
Text: 12 11 12 11; Shirley Erena Murray; ©1992 Hope Publishing Co.
Hear Us Now, Our God and Father (can be sung to Hyfrydol)
Hear us now, our God and Father, Give them joy to lighten sorrow!
Send your Spirit from above Give them hope to brighten life!
On this Christian man and woman Go with them to face the morrow,
Who here make their vows of love! Stay with them in ev’ry strife.
Bind their hearts in true devotion As your Word has promised, ever
Endless as the seashore’s sands, Fill them with your strength and grace
Boundless as the deepest oceans, So that each may serve the other
Blest and sealed by your own hands.
Till they see you face to face.
May the grace of Christ, our Savior,
And the Father’s boundless love,
With the Holy Spirit’s favor
Rest upon them from above.
Thus may they abide in union
With each other and the Lord,
And possess in sweet communion
Joys which earth cannot afford.
Text: 87 87 D; Vss 1 & 2 Harry N Huxhold, ©1978, Lutheran Book of Worship. All rights reserved. Used with permission of Augsburg Fortress. Vs. 3 John Newton, 1725-1807, alt
Wedding Vocal Solos and Choral Pieces:
Where there is Love Johann S. Bach
Whither Thou Goest Flor Peeters (The Wedding Song)
Whither Thou Goest Heinrich Schutz
Ave Maria Franz Schubert
Ave Maria Bach-Gounod
Thy Perfect Love John Rutter
Servant Song Richard Gillard
The Gift of Love arr. Hal Hopson
May Love Be Ours Michael Joncas (Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels)
May the Grace of Christ our Savior Johann S. Bach (Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring)
Panis Angelicus Cesar Franck
Laudate Dominum Wolfgang Mozart
Let the Bright Seraphim George F. Handel
The Call Ralph Vaughan Williams (Come My Way, My Truth, My Love)
Ave Maria Philip Stopford
The Call Randall Stroope
Communion Hymns:
Love One Another• James Chepponis
I Have Loved You• J. Michael Joncas
Taste and See• James Moore
Eat This Bread• Jacques Berthier
Gift of Finest Wheat• Robert Kreutz
May Love Be Ours Michael Joncas (Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels)
Spanish Songs:
Ofertorio o Comunion (Offertory or Communion):
Si Yo No Tengo Amor – TRADICIONAL -
El Amor Nunca Pasará, Cortés -
*Ubi Caritas, Hurd -
*Donde Hay Amor y Caridad, Rubalcava -
*Can be bilingual
Canto de María:
Dios te Salve María, Sosa -
Recessional Marches:
Trumpet Tune Henry Purcell
Hornpipe George Handel
Ode to Joy Ludwig van Beethoven
Rondeau Jean-Joseph Mouret
Trumpet Tune John Stanley
Psalm 19 Benedetto Marcello
Toccata (from Symphony V) Charles Widor